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- Basic knowledge of vector
graphics & pixel graphics
- File formats, storage
- Program overview
- Using the tools and
special features
- Text objects, text editing
- Integration of other
- Optimizing graphics
for the internet
- Practical exercises
- hints and tricks for the
latest version of
You might just ask for further information or an Illustrator-upgrade seminar from a former to an actual version of Illustrator.
Inhouse per day beginning at 670 € + Vat.=821,10 €
Auftragsfax / Order (in german)
open: 1-day (german), 390 €+MwSt.= 464,10 €
offene Seminar-Termine
Rhetorik Seminar Moderationstraining Event-Moderation Präsentationstraining
Beamer-Präsentation Zeitmanagement-Training Kommunikation Team Kreativität
sowie darüber hinaus Inhouse Schulung
Präsentationsoptimierung Kommunikation Gesprächsführung Inhouse-Training
Führungstechniken Projektmanagement Seminare Konfliktmanagement Mediation
Marketing Online-Marketing Seminar Social-Media Training PR+Textkommunikation ÖA
Photoshop Seminare InDesign Illustrator Kurs Quark Corel Acrobat Publisher
Creative Suite Training CS6-Update
Flash Schulung Dreamweaver Fireworks Authorware Captivate Seminar
3ds max Seminare Cinema 4D Schulung Premiere AVID After Effects SketchUp App-Entwicklung
ActionScript Seminare HTML Schulung CSS XML JavaScript PHP/MySQL ColdFusion Typo3
Outlook Schulung Word Excel Access PowerPoint Project Signaturen Acrobat